Season Greetings from all at BigChange
Season Greetings from all at BigChange. As the year comes to a close, I hope that the holiday season brings you joy, peace, and time to relax with loved ones.
I am grateful to have such an engaged and supportive readership, and I look forward to continuing to bring you informative and thought-provoking content in the year ahead. Thank you for joining me on this journey, and I hope you enjoy reading my most popular blogs of the year.
I am excited to share the top-performing articles from the past year. These are the pieces that resonated most with my readers and generated the most engagement and discussion.
First on the list is We all deserve a chance. This post was all about the chronic shortage of opportunities for people with physical disabilities and learning difficulties. This received an overwhelming response from my audience. Next up is Don’t wall yourself off from your team. Most modern bosses are no longer found on the battlefield but in the boardroom – but the lessons from ancient times are as valuable today as they have ever been. You need to have a rapport with your team, and you need to spend time in the mix with your colleagues to stay close to the inner workings of your business. This is why I am such a fan of an open-plan workspace, where leaders sit beside colleagues, not in their own offices. And finally, No more empty desks sparked some interesting debates among my readers.
2022: a year of growth, energy, and customer obsession
As another year draws to a close, I’d like to reflect on all we have achieved here at BigChange. This year has surpassed all our forecasts – like many business leaders; we expected a difficult 12 months because of political upheaval and the sudden biting recession and cost of living crisis.
Despite these challenges, our team has outperformed our wildest expectations, our customers have thrived, and our ground-breaking technology has attracted many new businesses – large and small – into the fold. Our customer numbers are up, revenues are soaring, and we are moving ever closer to our ultimate ambition – to be a “unicorn” business and the global brand leader in our industry.
I look forward to continuing our relationship in the new year and working together to create even more success. Wishing you all the best.